Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reflections on Sketchblogging

This is assignment #18. I have a #17 to do but I want to get this finished first since the week ahead is filled with finals. We are to answer a series of questions so;
 1) over all experience? = I like blogging and it's nice to read some of my classmates thoughts on our projects outside of class. So I think it's a postivie experience all around. If you don't like writing papers then I suppose you wouldn't like blogging. I have a blog I maintain about my bike racing so this was a plus when it was assigned to the class. A+

2) Have you ever kept a personal sketchbook? = Yes. If you are in any type program where art and digital media is taught instructors will ask to see a sketchbook at sometime throughout the classes you attend. This is the first sketchblog though.

3) What are your thoughts about blogging? = I like jotting my thoughts down for people to read. Sometimes I get great ideas while I'm writing in it.

4) What did you find hard about the process? = I found it to be very easy because I have experience blogging.

5) What did you enjoy most about the blogging process? = probably just jotting down my thoughts. Getting one's thoughts down on paper or "blogging" and then going back and reading them seems to help me sometimes.

6) Was creating a sketch-blog better or worse than creating a physical sketchbook? = I think the blog is added work because everything we worked on in class and project wise had to be scanned or pics taken and posted. A sketchbook could just be turned in for grading, IE; less work.

7) Was the pace of the assignment schedule ok? = I think it was ok. A week to get your things posted was sufficent time.

8) Do you feel comfortable with the techy requirements? The "techy" part didn't bother me at all. I already have these skills. I think if one has not acquired the basic skills of cropping, scanning, etc it would give that student some experience in doing these tasks giving them experience for future projects.

9) After using it this semester do you like it? Hate it? = I'm on the fence about this. I think the instructor used it to our benefit making every students work available for everyone in both classes. If we had not used this it wouldn't have mattered either way to be honest.

10) Will you continue to use the sketchblog? = with a super cool title like "quiteFish" I have to! I probably won't use it every day but I think I'm going to try to post monthly with some of my digital projects.

11) Suggestions = I think that Mrs. Levacy uses the blog quite well. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to art classes. I think that one project or sketchblog post per semester should be about letting the students do anything they want and not be given any direction just to see what they create or throw out there. Also, take one day every two weeks or so to discuss what everyone has posted. Briefly go over the blogs on the big screen. I know that after the semester got busy in the last 3-4 weeks of school I haven't had much time to read fellow students posts like I wanted to. Going over them twice a month would make sure students are seeing the other students ideas and project work. I would bet that some students do not read any of them!!!


  1. Students were always allowed to post additional material as encouraged at the beginning of the course but many only did the bare minimum - unfortunately, those that didn't go above the minimum didn't seem to get as much out of the process as others. It's becoming quite apparent that it's a lot about what each individual puts into it - like a sketchbook. I think your suggestion to have a segment of a class set aside every so often to review some of the blogs would be an excellent solution to this problem as it could potentially generate some further interest and motivation into the whole process. Others have also suggested that responding to other blogs should be a requirement - would you find that annoying or beneficial?
